Sevilla’s April Fair Week Kicks off today

The capital of Andalucia and Spain’s fourth largest city, Sevilla, is beautiful and flamboyant – enveloped in the fragrances of orange trees, jacaranda, and myrtle. It is a place where bullfighting is still politically correct and little girls still dream of growing up to become flamenco dancers.

The center is very pedestrian friendly and architecturally rich. From Plaza de Espana, the sight of Spain’s pavillion built for the 1929 World Exposition; to Los Reales Alcazares, built by the Moors in the 10th Century and still serving as the royal digs; to the Cathedral, the third largest in Europe (after St Peter’s at the Vatican and St Paul’s in London).

A side note of interest, the town of Jaen, within an hour of Seville, produced three times more olive oil in 2012 than all of Italy. A testament to the agricultural production of Andalucia, also famous for it’s sherry.

One Comment to “Sevilla’s April Fair Week Kicks off today”

  1. Amazing! Love Feria de Abril. Don’t forget to visit the bridge by Calatrava =)

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